Fair Trade Principles
- We identify ourselves with the 10 principles of fair trade and we are convenced that it is an exchange relationship based in the dialog, transparency and respect, that looks for a better equity in the practice of the International trade.
- We believe that fair trade contributes to the sustainable development, making sure that better commercial terms are obtained and protecting the Rights of the small producers and excluded employees from the emerging countries.
- Giving a better payment in a punctual way, we are helping to the producers to feel security and to have a better living condition for them and their families.
- We promote, value, and reward opportunely the women’s job
- We try to improve the producer’s abilities to obtain a better productive and administrative social inclusión.
- We promote healthy and friendly environmental practices, helping to protect the health of our customers and our planet.
Fair Trade Principles
Opportunities for disadvantaged producers
Transparency and accountability
Fair trade practices
Fair payment
No child labour, no forced labour
No discrimination, gender equity, freedom of association
Good working conditions
Capacity building
Promote fair trade
Respect for the environment